
1 Month

Exactly 1 more month of training until my marathon training comes to an end and I have to prove to myself that it was all worth it! I've been eating alot of chocolate lately :) and that will be the first to go. I am currently savoring my last piece as I type this post! Its time to get serious, and serious I am. Good luck to all those runners who have races coming up! We can do this!

My friend Leslie (we ran our first marathon together) documented some of the race day quotes that she heard as she ran the 26.2 mile course. I'll be thinking of her and the quotes she wrote down as I push through April 24th!

A couple encouraged each-other with this little cheer they sang repeatedly up a small hill:

"good for you"
He: “and good for you!!”
“and good for Me!”
He: “and good for Me!”

Man1: “what are you going to do after the race?”
Man2: "I’m going to go home.. lay down. Throw-up. Drink some chocolate milk, and throw-up again.

"It's rude to count people as you pass them. Out loud."
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"To describe the agony of a marathon to someone who's never run it is like trying to explain color to someone who was born blind."
 Jerome Drayton

Thanks Leslie! Hope you'll join me on the next run!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Haha - you're so sweet! Way to ditch the chocolate etc., this last month. You're going to be great! I'm curious to hear how No.2 goes for you (you did so well w/ our first). The milk quote was actually yours -because you overheard the guys conversation and then told me about it. I can't take credit - it's all yours :)
Best of luck girl! You're going to tear it up!!

BTW your "all or nothing" post has been my inspiration these last few weeks of pregnancy on days I think i'm too worn out to get in a decent work-out.... I've been getting out there and doing SOMETHING for 30 mins or so. Thx for the much needed motivation!