
Tip for Today

Here is the running tip for today... and I threw in some stats as well :)

Break it down: here are some tips from other runners on Active.com
Forget the big picture; think small.

"When things get tough, I know I can always run just one more mile," says Jess Norton of Seattle.

Adrienne Ramsey of Hingham, Massachusetts, tells herself, "You can do anything for one more minute."

Jeff Rothman of Los Angeles targets landmarks. "I say to myself, 'Get to that building 300 meters from here.' Then, 'Now get to that tree 200 meters ahead...'"

Harry Thompson of Charlotte, North Carolina, uses moving targets. "I make a game of trying to pick off people who are ahead of me one by one," he says.

I do all of these things when I have a tough run one day, or during the half and full marathons. Your can just think to yourself "If I came this far I can go another mile" or two and so on.

Here are some stats on tough runners. Are you one of them?

"The Tough Keep Going"
85% have never dropped out of a race
70% say a bad run doesn't ruin their day
63% would never take a pill to PR
46% say their brains give out before bodies on long runs
40% have never cried during or after a race - I came close my first marathon I'm not going to lie

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