
Beat the Summer Heat

This post has been a long time coming. Busy work days and busy nights have taken place of blogging, but no longer! J Here in Lexington KY it has been HOT HOT HOT. With heat index up to 110 on average and humidity like no other it’s pretty unbearable walking to the mailbox let alone run. Along with heat advisories warning all to stay inside an air conditioned room it’s not only uncomfortable to run but unadvised.

I am now training for my 5th half marathon in Indianapolis on November 6. I’m pretty excited for it and I’ve been training with a group of girls at night during the week and EARLY morning on Saturdays.

To beat the heat we make sure to stay out only when the sun is down. Last year on my second day in Lexington I was by myself (husband driving across the country with a truck full of our stuff) and looking for something fun to do on a Saturday night. Low and behold I found myself a Midsummer Night’s Run.

This was my first experience with a night run (that I paid for), and it was great. Still a little hot but once you were done you weren’t hanging out in the heat but under a pretty night sky. The Midsummer Night’s Run in Lexington is this Saturday and I’m looking forward to the streets lined with people, bands and bananas.

I found an article on Active Runner that lists the top 7 Midsummer Night Runs but you can find these everywhere. I highly recommend signing up for one as summer is coming to a close but the heat is here to stay, at least for a little longer. Most of the runs from Active Runner are in August so you still have time!

Check them out, and if there isn’t one listed close to you make sure to find one that is.


I grew up in Utah and I was so happy to see that there were 2 from Utah listed on the top 7! That place really has great scenery to run in, even at night.

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