
You Know You're A Runner When...

You know you're a runner when you don't have to be drunk to pee in public...

You forgot that socks are sometimes made out of cotton...

You know you are a runner when your home stretch is two miles long...

When you have a debilitating knee injury and everyone tells you how bad running is for your knees but all you can think about is getting back out on the road!...

You know you're a runner when you start using handicap toilets the days after long runs. They're higher, and it just hurts so much less to stand back up...

You have an old pair of running shoes to cut the lawn, another pair to wash the car, another pair you wear when painting, etc...

You know you are a runner when you call 5 miles a "short run" and people look at you funny...

You know you're a runner when you buy Gatorade in bulk and you have tried every flavor...

For running beginners here are a few tips I found that may be helpful :)

1. Cotton socks will only lead to blisters; invest in socks designed for running.
2. Volunteer at a local race—meet runners support runners and connect with them. Also if you haven't run a race before this will put you in the mood and really motivate you, I promise.
3. Remember that you will have plateaus in your progress and tough days along the way.
4. It gets easier
5. Be prepared to remove the words “can’t” and “never” from your vocabulary.
6. Don’t expect every run to be better than the last one; some of them will hurt.
7. Do not compare yourself to others. Run within yourself and for yourself first.
8. Running is not an excuse to triple your intake of doughnuts (only some days :)) because runners gain weight too.
9. Buy the powdered sports drink mix instead of premixed. It’s cheaper and more similar to race drink mixes.
10. Each pound you lose makes running a little easier.
11. On long runs eat something every hour—whether you feel like it or not.
12. Make sure you cut your toenails short enough so they don’t jam into your Shoes! This will help prevent blisters under toe nails... oh yeah that happens
13. When you pick up drinking cups at aid stations, squeeze gently so it folds slightly and is easier to drink from it while you are moving.
14. A plastic garbage on race day is a very fashionable cheap disposable raincoat.
15. Lift weights.

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