
Warrior Dash - Tomorrow

Warrior Dash is tomorrow night in Chicago. I've been pumping myself full of angry carbs and dangerous energy bars, I'll be completely ready to take on the Warrior Dash. Updates will come after the weekend.

For those of you not participating in a Warrior Dash this Summer here are some ways you can practice being a warrior everyday:

1. Open a can of tuna with your teeth
2. Do squats with your office water jug
3. Skip packing a lunch--just bring a slingshot
4. Curl gallons of milk at the grocery store
5. Before driving to work, try a barrel roll over your car

How to Train a Future Warrior:
  1. Keep a full stock of Turkey Legs to feed their warrior hunger
  2. Give mud baths, not bubble baths
  3. Dress your warrior in the newest Warrior gear
  4. Substitute your lullaby with "Eye of the Tiger"
You Might be a Warrior if...

...you sweat mud
...your beard has braids
...your biceps have biceps
...you have to check your axe before you board a plane
...your mate's attractiveness directly correlates to their ability to scale a cargo net
er your car

Enjoy the Weekend

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did the last warrior it was a blast first time I have ever been that muddy, signed up for the Spartan Race as well taking it to the next level http://www.spartanrace.com Good Luck