
Marathon Done

Sorry it has taken a few days to write about the marathon, but Its taken me until now to prepare to relive it again :).

I'm not going to lie it was a pretty tough marathon course. The Louisville Derby Marathon was quite hilly. If you like hills this one is for you. I, on the other hand, do not. The short version of the marathon story is that I finished!! Yay.

I started cramping around mile 9 and new that the next few hours I was in for a treat. There were a few things that kept me going. My husband waiting for me at the finish line. Charles who I met on the race course, and the thought of not being able to wear the awesome shirt we got if I didn't finish, it would haunt me in my closet for good.

I looked on line that night to see the actual numbers of the race. It turned out tat 15,000 people signed up for the race, only 12,### finished, and out of that 12 thousand ONLY 1,400 had signed up for the marathon. Well now that explains why it felt like we had entered the twilight zone after splitting off from the half marathoners.

The cheer groups were no where to be found and water/port-potties we are scarce and we were in a weird part of town. I seriously felt like I had just decided to go out for a run by myself for 15 miles. After some Tylenol, at least 12 good sized hills, crossing over the river into Indiana, and tired muscles, bones, and joints I was done and I did it!

Even though the time was not what I had wished, my husband is good to remind me that I got that medal for finishing 26.2 miles for a second time. Not every race is going to be your best but it really comes down to finishing.

Here are some things that I learned my second time around:

Your marathon training can never be too long.
Get to bed early.
Even if the forecast says rain, don't be afraid you won't melt.
Once you pee outside you're a true marathoner.
Eat a good breakfast before, see my post below.
Don't skimp on the Vaseline.
You will get blisters... deal with it.
You will be sore, rent a movie the night before so it'll be ready for you when you get home.
Marathons are addicting - I was already looking up my next one today.

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